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Proven Impact from Leading Researchers

Dr. Okonofua's research shows that empathic teaching leads to:

  • Reduced suspension rates—up to 50% in randomized controlled studies.
  • Amplified benefits for students of color and students on disability status.
  • Higher job satisfaction, a key predictor of teacher retention.

Work with Dr. Okonofua to bring Empathic Instruction to your district.

“[Empathic Instruction] definitely causes you to pause, to think, 'What am I doing to resolve conflicts? How am I doing it?... How could I make it better?'

— Participating Teacher

In the News

Short, Simple, Customized

  • Teachers complete two online exercises per year, each 35-50 minutes long.
  • Activities include brief articles, teachers’ insights on student-teacher interactions, and reflection exercises.
  • Activities are updated and customized over time to reflect the best practices and insights from each district.


  • A kick-off presentation by Dr. Okonofua highlights the latest research and explains the psychological processes that make empathic teaching so powerful.
  • EI exercise content and design are based on numerous research-practice collaborations across diverse contexts.
  • Empathic teaching promotes positive student outcomes and higher teacher job satisfaction and confidence.

Elevates Teacher Voice

  • EI helps districts accurately capture teachers’ insights and challenges, as well as opportunities for district and school leaders to better support teachers in the future.
  • Teachers’ opinions and observations remain confidential: they are only shared in aggregated form.
  • District leaders receive an end-of-year report summarizing how teachers in the district think and feel about student-teacher interactions.

Easy to Implement

  • Districts appoint an EI facilitator who works with the EI team to customize the exercises to your district and schedule activities.
  • It takes less than 6 hours per semester for the facilitator to support implementation across a whole district.
  • The EI facilitator is provided onboarding materials to recruit teachers, build will, and track teacher participation on a weekly basis. See the EI Guide to learn more.


The Empathic Instruction Guide provides a quick overview of the research, service options, and implementation steps and timelines. Email us for more information.